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Achillea 'Anthea' (Yarrow) Abundant
clear silvery foliage that combines with pale lemon
yellow flowers is an elegant improvement over
'Moonshine'. If cut back after blooming, produces a
robust second bloom. Compact habit, forming a sturdy
clump with no tendency to run. Does well in poor, dry
soil. H 2' Z4
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Achillea millefolium 'Apple Blossom' (Common Yarrow
Hybrid) A vigorous grower that grows to 3' tall. Large
clusters of lilac-pink to peach colored flowers. Grows
well in sun and poor, dry soil. Z3
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Achillea millefolium 'Colorado' (Common Yarrow) A
bright mix of red, pink, apricot, yellow, cream and pure
white. Like to be in full sun. Bloom from June until
September. H 2' Z3
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Achillea millefolium 'Terra Cotta' (Terra Cotta) An
unusual dark pink to orange brown color spectrum.
Performs well in poor dry sites. H 24" Z4
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Achillea 'Summerwine' (Summerwine 'Yarrow') Deep
wine red flowers mature to purple. Long lasting,
fade-resistantcolor. Drought tolerant. H 30" Z4
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Aconitum "Bressingham Spire' (Monkshood) Rich
violet blue hooded flowers appear on tall sturdy stems.
This improved Monkshood requires no staking. Grow in full
sun to part shade in moist well drained soil. Once
established we don't recomment transplanting or dividing.
H 3-4' Z5
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Acontum cammarum 'Bi-Color' (Monkshood) Pure white
blooms edged in blue are borne on tall stems. Try as a
hardy and well behaved substitute for Delphiniums. Grows
in full sun to part shade in well drained soil. H
40" z3
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Aconitum septentrionale 'Ivorine' (Monkshood
'Ivorine') Ivory-white flowers are borne profuselyy on
heavily branced stems above compact plants making this an
excellent choice for front of the border. Full sun to
part shade in a moise, well drained spot. H 24-30"
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Adiantum pedantum (Maiden Hair Fern) A graceful,
fine-leaved, fern with arching stems. This is a dwarf,
ruffled leaf form. Native plant enjoys cool, moist, shady
locations. Spreads slowly. Z3
Agapanthus 'Bressingham White' BENEFITS
Shorter, sturdier habit with more flowers than other
white-flowered varieties.
Pure white flowers from midsummer to early fall. Leafless
flower stalks arise from clumps of lily-like foliage.
Full sun. USDA Hardiness Zones 8 to 10; AHS Heat Zones 12
to 1.
Excellent cut flower. Provides exotic flower display in
borders or beds. Good for mass displays.
36" tall by 18" wide. Use 3 plants per square
Plant in well-drained soil. Do not allow plants to dry
out except when dormant. In cold zones, plant in
containers and move indoors to overwinter.
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Agapanthus 'Lillput' |
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Agastache 'Blue Fortune' |
Ajania pacifica (Gold and Silver
Daisy) Distinctive white edge on leaves creating three
seaons of interest. Yellow tansy-like flowers in October.
Full sun to partial shade. Grows to 12-15". Z6
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Alcea 'Apple Blossom' |
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Alcea rosea 'Single Mix' (Single Hollyhock) The
real old-fashioned Hollyhock, with big, single flowers in
clear colors- white, pink & purple. Blooms in early
summer and is best suited in full sun and well drained
soil. Grows to 8' in right conditions. Z5
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Alcea 'The Watchman' (The Watchman Hollyhock) A
tender perennial with shiny black blossoms fading to deep
burgandy in the center. Performs best in full sun and
rich, moist soil. Reaches a height of 6'.
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Alchemilla, mollis 'Thriller' (Lady's Mantle) Improved
selectiopn. Grown for its compact tidy ghabit, bluish
chartreus foliage and tiny yellow flowers appearing in
late spring. Plant in partial shade in constantly moist
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Anacyclus depressus 'Garden Gnome' |
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Anemone x hybrida 'Bressingham Glow' (Anemone) Large
rich pink double blossoms appear in late summer early
fall on compact plants. Shade tolerant. Grow in moist,
well drained soild. H 2' Z6
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Anemone hupenesis 'Monte Rose' |
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Anemone hupenensis 'September Charm' (Winflower) Single
silvery-pink flowers blooming in the early fall. Grows
2-3'. Plant in partial shade, moist, well drained soil.
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Anemone japonica hupenensis |
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Anemone 'Lady Gilmore' (Anemone) Large clear pink
semi-double flowers. Great fall color! Plant in a lightly
shaded spot in rich, moist soil. H 2' Z6
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Anemone 'Margarette' |
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Anemone 'Praecor' |
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Anemone pulsatilla 'Vulgaris' |
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Anemone sylvestris |
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Anemone tomenrosa 'Rubustissima' (Grape Leaf Anemone) Interesting
deep-green flowers in an assortment of colors in May and
June. Shade toloerant. performs well in any well-drained
soil. H 18" Z3
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Anemon 'Honorine Jobert' |
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Aquilegia 'Alpine Blue' |
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Aquilegia canadensis |
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Aquilega 'Chololate Soldier' (Columbine) Brown
flowers with chocolate frangrances. Grows to 18". Z4
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Aquilega 'Lime Frost' (Columbine) Unusual eye
catching foliage appears sun splashed with golden
streaking. Plant in partial shade in moist site. H
20" Z4
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Aquilega 'Nora Barlow' (Native Columbine 'Nora
Barlow') Unique, double flowering pink/mauve. Blooms
May-June. SHade tolerant. any well-drained soil. Short
spur. H 18-24" Z4
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Aquilegia sibirica 'Biedermeyer' (Native Colombine) A
compact grower with a lovely array of mixed colors in
May-June. Flowers are in shades of white, pink, and
purple. Full sun to light shade; any well drained soil.
Short spur. H 16" Z3
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Arenaria montana (Mountain Sandwort) Pure white
1" flowers form a dazzling solid mass above rich
deep green small leaved foliage in mid-late spring.
Useful as a groundcover in a rock garden or between
stepping stones in a sunny well drained site. H 8"
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Armeria maritima 'Alba' (White Sea Thrift) Bright
6" stems bear white flowers on fine grassy clumps.
Blooms from May to July. Full sun. Z4
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Armeria maritima 'Splendens' (Sea Thrift) Bright
carmine pink round flower clusters appear in early spring
above glossy grass-like green foliage. H 8-10" Z4
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Artemesia lactiflora 'Guizhou' (Wormwood) The black
sheep of the wormwood family. Sprays fo tiny cream-white
flowers produce a striking contrast against the
distinctive blackish-green foliage and rich mahogany
stems. Prefers well-drained soil in full sun. H 4' Z3
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Artemesia ludo. 'Valerie Finnis' (Valerie Finnis
Wormwood) Large, silver shallowly incised leaves on
erect stems. A wonderful contrast plant mixed with an
bright flowering plant. Plant in a sunny spot in well
drained soil. H 18". Z4
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Artemesia 'Powis Castle' (Mugwort) Bushy plant with
fine, feathery, silver foliage. Delightful fragrant. Full
sun, well drained soil. Great contrast plant. Grows to
2-3'. Z6
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Artemesia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound' A traditional
favorite. FIne silvery foliage, that forms a dwarf mound,
with a spread of 2'. Excellent edging or rock garden
plant. FUll sun in excellently drained soil. H 6-8".
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Artemesia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade' (Dusty Miller) Japanese
native naturalized along our coast. Creeping, lobed
silver-white foliage makes a great ground cover or
specimen. Needs full sun and perfect drainage. H 8"
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Aruncus aethusifolius (Dwarf Goatsbeard) Miniature
goatsbeard with dense, fine foliage and short panicles of
creamy-white flowers in late spring to early summer.
Likes light shade and adequate moisture. H 12" Z5
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Aruncus diocus (Native Goats Beard) A statement in
size! Astilbe like foliage forms a broad shrub with
arching white plumes in mid summer. Prefers sun to
partial shade and moist soil. H 6-8' Z3
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Asclepias incarpata 'Ice Carn' |
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Asclepias tuberosa 'Gay Butterflies' (Native
Butterfly Weed) A mixture of yellow, orange, and red
flowers on 2' stems. FUll sun, bl;ooms in July and
August. Grows 24-28". Z5
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Aster 'Alert' |
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Aster novae-angliae 'Alma Potschke' (New England
Aster) A rose-pink, semi-double flower on 2-3' stems.
More compact than other New England Asters. Fall
blooming. Z4
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Aster Novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' (Native Purple Dome
Aster) A sun loving aster with multitudes of
semi-double deep purple flowers on compact bushy plants
in Sept.-Oct. Mildew resistant. Grow in a sunny, well
drained site. h 18" Z4
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Aster Novae-Belg 'Woods Pink' |
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Aster x frikartii 'Flora's Delight' (Frikart's Aster) An
endless procession of lavender pink flowers are born in
profusion from mid-summer to frost. Besr at border front
in well-drained soil and sun. Grows to 20". Z4
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Aster 'Violet Queen' (Italian Aster) Masses of
striking deep violet-blue flowers with bright yellow eyes
appear from late summer until frost. Compact, bushy
habit. Grow in full sun in well drained soil. H 24"
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Astilbe arendsii 'Amethyst' |
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Astilbe arendsii 'Bressingham Beauty' (False Spirea) Classic
form with erect full spikes of fine pure pink above
handsome foliage mounds. Grows to 40". Z4
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Astilbe arendsii 'Catherine Deneuve' (False Spirea) Fluffy
blooms of glowing rose pink. Grows to 2 1/2'. Z4
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Astilbe arendsii 'Cattleya' (Rose Pink False Spirea) Early
bloomer. Rose-pink flowers on 3' stems. Z4
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Astilbe arendsii 'Elizabeth Bloom' (False Spirea) Fluffy
plumes of glowing rose pink. Grows to 2 1/2'. Z4
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Astilbe arendsii 'Erica' (Pink False Spirea) Mid-season
pink blossoms on 2 1/2-3' stems. Z4
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Astilbe arendsiim 'Fanal' (Red False Spirea) Early
blomming, red flowers on 2' stems. Z4
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Astilbe arendsii 'Granat' |
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Astilbe arendsii 'Greta Pungel' (Pink Star Astilbe) July
blomming. A low grower with bright pink flowers on 1 -
1.5' spikes. Z4
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Astilbe arendsii 'Snowdrift' (False Spirea) The
whites form to date. Bright green mounds of cut foliage
are topped by white plumes. Perfect in contrast to deeper
colours. Grows to 2'. Z6
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Astilbe arendsii 'Ostrich Plume' |
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Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' (False Spirea) Lilac-rose
flowers blooming in July and August. Grows best in
semi-shade, and tolerates drier soil. Good groundcover. H
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Astilbe japonica 'Peach Blossom' (Peach-Pink False
Spirea) Early, mid-season creamy pink blossoms on 2'
spikes. Z4
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Astilbe japonica 'Rhineland' (False Spirea) Clear
rose colored spikes in early summer. Grows to 24'. Z4
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Astilbe japonica 'Red Sentinel' |
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Astilbe simplicicfolia 'Sprite' (False Spirea 'Pink') Nominated
'Perennial Plant of the Year for 1994'. Eye-catching,
poised and graceful with sprays of subtle pearl pink
above a canopy of finely cut dark green foliage for
months. Grows to 12-18". Z4
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Astilbe thunbergii 'Straussenfedder' (False Spirea) Pink
flowers in mid summer. Grows to 3'. Z4
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Athyrium felix-femina (Lady Fern) |
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Athyrium nip. 'Pictum' (Japanese Painted Fern) A
clump-forming fern with painted pink to gray toned
foliage on a maroon stalk. AThe colorful veriegated
foliage make this a unique fern that stand out in the
landscape. ALthough tolerant of heavy shade, it will do
better in light shade. H 15-20". Z5
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Baptisia australis (False Indigo) Deep gold flowers
on bushy plants. An airy mass of colors in early spring.
Wonderful planted in a wall or any well drained sunny
site. H 12" Z5
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Bellis perennis 'Pomponette Mix' (English Daisy) A
mixed strain of Bellis with colors ranging from white to
pink to red. Blooms spring to early summer on 4-5"
stems. Good for edging or in the rock garden. Full sun to
partial shade. Z3
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Bergenia cordifolia 'Bressingham Ruby' (Heart-Leaved
Bergenia, Pig Squeak) An improved form with bright
burgandy foliage in the winter and early blooming pink
flowers in spring. The heavy duty foliage remains cleaner
throughout the summer and winter months than the species.
Performs best in partial shade will tolerate heavy sun to
deep shade provided rich moist soil. H 20-24" Z4
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Bergenia cordifolia 'Bressingham Salmon' |
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Bergenia cordifolia 'Bressingham White' (Pig Squeak) A
robust, pure white flowered form of Bergenia 'Bressingham
Ruby'. Unlike many white cultivars, 'Bressingham White'
is a vigourous grower with heavy heads of flowers in
early spring. H 20" Z4
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Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian Bugloss) Leaves
mostly basal, forming a dense, bright green, plant,
darkening with age. Many small, blue, Forget-me-not-like
flowers appear with the leaves Flowers from April to May.
Plant in partial shade. H 15" Z4
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Brunnera macrophylla 'Variegata' |
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Buddleia 'Black Knight' |
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Buddleia 'Harlequin' |
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Buddleia 'Petit Purple' |
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Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips' (Blue Carpathian
Harebell) A low dense mound covered in large blue
flowers on 8" stems, mid-summer. Sun to part shade.
Adaptable to a wide variety of soil conditions. Z3
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Campanula carpatica 'White Clips' (White Carpathian
Harebell) Large white flowers on 8" stems.
Blooming mid-summer. Sun to partial shade, adaptable to a
wide variety of soil conditions. Z3
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Campanula cochleariifolia 'Bavarian Blue' |
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Campanula cochleariifolia 'Bavarian White' |
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Campanula persicifolia 'Chettle Charm' (Peach Leaved
Bellflower) Nodding stems of clear blue, bell-shaped
flowers in mid-summer. Full sun to partial shade. Average
soil. Grows to 2-3'. Z3
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Campanula persicifolia 'Telham Beauty' |
Campanula poscharshyana 'Blue Waterfall' |
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Centaurea caerulea |
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Centaurea dealbata (Cornflower) Rose-pink blossoms
in June and July. Likes full sun, and well drained soil.
Grows to 2'. Z4
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Centaurea montana 'Caerulea' (Perennial Cornflower) Early
to mid-summer bloomer. Solitary blue flowers on erect
12-24" stems. Full sun or partial shade, well
drained soil. Z3
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Centaurea montana 'Gold Bullion' |
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Cerastium tomentosum (Snow-In-Summer) A silver
foliage carpet covered with white flowers in late spring.
Full sun and well drained soil. Z2
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Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' (Pink Turtlehead) Rose
pink blossoms open up atop 2-3' red stems bearing rich
green leaves. Better foliage than the species. Bronze
foliage in early spring provides an additional season of
interest. Z4
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Chelone obliqua (Turtlehead) Rich rose-purple
flower resembling a turtle's head in August and
September. Sun to partial shade, moisture tolerant. H
2-3'. Z4
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Chrysanthemum 'Clara Curtis' (Dendranthema zawadskii
'Clara Curtis Daisy') Multitudes of light, silvery-pink
daisy-like flowers September through October. Very
disease and drought resistant. Rapid spreading clumps.
Hardy where other fall mims fail. H -3' Z4.
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Chrysanthemum 'Sheffield Pink' (Leucanthemum
superbum) Perennial blooming in OCtober with pale pink
flowers. Very hardy. Full sun and well drained soil.
Drought tolerant. Grows to 3'. Z5
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Cimicifuga racemosa 'Atropurpurea' (Snakeroot, Cohosh
Bugbane) Creamy white flowers with dark purplish
leaves. H 5-6' Z4.
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Clematis heracleifolia 'Alan Bloom' |
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Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana' |
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Coreopsis grandiflora 'Baby Sun' (Lance Coreopsis) Perennial,
blooming in late summer with bright double yellow flowers
with a red center. Full sun. Grows to 3'. Z4
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Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' (Early Sunrise
Tickseed) A 1989 Gold Medal winner with double yellow
flowers beginning in late May. Prefers full sun in
well-drained soil. Grows to 18". Z4
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Coreopsis grandiflora 'Flying Saucers' (Tickseed) Golden-yellow
flowers 2" across appear on 18-20" stems. Bloom
from June until October. Z4
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Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunray' |
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Coreopsis grandiflora 'Tequila Sunrise' |
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Coreopsis rosea (Pink Tickseed) Delicate rosy-pink
flowers bloom all summer on thread leaf foliage. A
vigorous grower, excellent for dry sunny areas. H
12" Z5
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Coreopsis rosea 'Sweet Dreams' |
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Coreopsis verticillata 'Golen Gain' (Native Tickseed) Bears
large golden flowers on compact clump forming plants.
Doesn't spread like other thread leaved tickseed. H
24" Z3
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Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' (Thread Leaf
Coreopsis, Tickseed) Dark fine cutleaf foliage with
creamy yellow flowers. A profuse bloomer from late spring
to late fall. Full sun & well-drained soil. Drought
tolerant. 1992 Perennila Plant of the Year. H 24" Z3
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Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' |
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Corydalis 'Blue Panda' (Blue Panda Corydalis) A new
introduction featuring electric blue flowers above finely
textured foliage. Performs well in dry shade. H
12-15" Z5
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Corydalis 'China Blue' |
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Corydalis lutea |
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Crocosmia 'Bressingham Beacon' (Montbretia) Flame
orange flowers are borne on long arching stems over
Iris-like foliage, making a stunning cut flower. Grow in
full sun in rich moist soil. H 24" Z6
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Crocosmia 'Emberglow' (Montbretia) Spectacular cut
flower or border plants. Lare arching spikes draped with
trumpet-shaped, brunt orange flowers rise from handsome
clumps of sword-like foliage. Needs sun and well-drained
soil. In extremely cold climates, mulch well or lift and
store. H 2' Z5
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Crocosmia 'Lucifer' (Montbretia) Arching spray of
scarlet-red blossoms appear July-September on 30"
stems above Iris-like fans. One of the hardiest Crocosmia
introduced. In warmer wetter zones, may become invasive,
but in New England this well behaved stunner forms slow
colonies. Z5
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Delphinium 'Conn. Yankees' |
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Delphinium 'Magic Fountain' (Dark Blue/White Bee) |
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Delphinium 'Magic Fountain' (Lavender) |
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Delphinium grandiflorum (Blue Mirror) Navy blue,
only 20" tall. Z4
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Delphinium, 'Pacific Giants' |
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Delphinium 'Round Table Mixed' |
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Delphinium 'Summer Skies' |
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Dennstaedtia punct. (Hay Scented Fern) Fronds are
light green. Rhizomes creep underground and spread
rapidly. Dry fronds are hay scented are turn almost white
in fall. Invaluable landscape plant that can handle very
dry and shady locations. Grows to 24". Z3
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Dianthus x 'Aqua' (Border Carnation) Fragrant
double white flowers in late spring/early summer on
12" stems. Z4
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Dianthus barbatus 'Indian Carpet' (Sweet William
Indian Carpet) A late spring flowering old fashioned
perennial with a mix of red and white flowers. Full sun.
Rich, well-drained soil. Grows to 12-15". Z4
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Dianthus 'Bath's Pink' |
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Dianthus deltoides 'Artic Fire' |
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Dianthus 'Frosty Fire' |
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Dianthus 'Little Boy Blue' |
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Dianthus 'Tiny Rubies' (Cheddr Pink) Low mats of
gray-green foliage. Double-pink flowers in spring. Full
sun in well-drained soil. Great rock garden plant. Grows
to 6". Z3
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Dianthus x allwoodii 'Oakington' |
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Dicentra 'Adrian Bloom' (Pacific Bleeding Heart) Fern-like
richly colored foliage that is bluer than other
varieties. Rich rose-red flowers are born form late
spring to fall. Light shade and moist soil. H 12" Z4
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Dicentra eximia |
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Dicentra 'Snowflakes' |
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Dicentra spectablis (Bleeding Heart) This bleeding
heart features durable bluish foliage and numerous bright
pink blooms that last from late spring until fall. Shade
to partial shade and moist soil. H 15" Z3
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Dicentra spectablis 'Alba' (White Bleeding Heart) White
flowering form of the old fashioned bleeding heart.
Partial shade. H 3' Z3
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Digitalis ambigua (Foxglove) These self seeding
biennials bear spikes of nodding tubular flowers in late
spring to early summer. They prefer a moist site in full
sun. A charming old cottafe garden favorite.
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Digitalis excelsior |
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Digitalis mertonensis (Strawberry Foxglove) Large,
bell-shaped, rose colored flowers in summer. One of the
best Digitalis with attractive foliage and large flowers.
A true perennial. Full sun to partial shade. Moist
well-drained soil. Grows to 3'. Z4
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Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy' (Foxglove) Large flowers
in a variety of colors from June to July. Grows to 4'. Z4
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Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum' |
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Dryopteris celsa (Log Fern) |
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Dryopteris erythrosora (Autumn Fern) Deciduous fern
growing to 18" in height, 12" in spread. New
fronds are coppery-pink in spring, maturing to deep green
and turning bright red in the fall. Fronds persist well
into winter. Light shade and moist soil. Z5
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Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' (Magnus Coneflower) Selected
form with good bright color and non-drooping ray florets.
This long lasting cut flower blooms from early summer to
early fall in full sun. Drought tolerant. The 1998
Perennial Plant of the Year. H 3' Z4
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Echinacea 'Knee High' |
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Echinacea purpurea 'Bravado' (Purple Coneflower) This
cultivar features large broad petaled purple-magenta
flowers that can grow to 4" in diameter. Blooms
profusely from mid-summer to early fall. Plant in full
sun. Drought tolerant. H 3-5' Z3
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Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' (White Coneflower) An
elegant creamy white selection with bronze cones. Long
blooming in full summer sun. Drought tolerant. H 2' Z3
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Echinops ritro (Globe Thistle) Globular
lavender-blue flowers on tall stems in July-September.
Coarse, spiny foliage. Full sun. Can be used for dried
arrangements. Drought resistant. Grows to 3-5' Z3
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Epimedium x rubrum |
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Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum' |
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Epimedium x youngianum 'Niveum' |
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Erigeron x 'Prosperity' (Fleabane) Erect plant with
single 1" rich blue-lavender flowers with yellow
centers in mid summer. Full sun, well-drained soil. Grows
to 3-4'. Z6
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Erigeron 'Profusion' (Fleabane) Blooms all summer
with white, changing to pink daisy-like flowers. Good for
bed and containers.
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Eryngium 'Sapphire Blue' |
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Eupatorium 'Chocolate' (White Snakeroot) Richly
colored chocolate leaves are borne on shiny purple-black
stems. Pure white flowers appear in early fall and last
until frost. This fabulous cut flower performs well in
full sun with adequate moisture. Z4
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Eupatorium 'Cory' (Hardy Ageratum) Improved
cultivar of the native species. Brighter blue large
fluffy flower heads appear from August through September.
H 20" Z6
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Eupatorium maculatum 'Atropurpureum' |
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Filipendula 'Kakome' (Dropwort) A fine froth of
rose flowers in mid-late summer top low tuffs of pale
green heavily textured foliage. Plant in a constantly
moist area in partial shade. H 12" Z4
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Filipendula purpurea 'Elegans' (Meadow Sweet) An
excellent compact cultivar producing arching sprays of
richly fragrant fluffy white flowers with red anthers
extending above maple like ruffled foliage. Adds striking
texture to the garden. H 30-40" Z5
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Filipendula rubra 'Venusta Magnifica' (Medow Sweet,
Queen of the Prairie) Deep pink flowers are held above
lofty plants in mid summer. Strong stems are self
supporting and tolerate abusive winds and rains. Plant in
full sun with adequate moisture. H 6' Z3
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Filipendula ulmaria 'Variegata' (Meadow Sweet) LEafy
stems bear creamy-white to yellowish flowers from late
spring into summer. With it's bright yellow & green
varigation, this is a great accent plant for moist shady
areas. Grows to 2'.Z5
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Fragaria 'Pink Panda' (Pink Panda Strawberry P.P.
#7598) Large bright pink flowers dot the low trailing
mounds of glossy green foliage in July and August. Needs
full sun and well drained soil. H 3' Z4
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Fragaria 'Red Ruby' |
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Gailardia 'Baby Cole' |
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Gaillardia 'Goblin' (Blanket Flower) Red flowers
with yellow margins. Grows to 1'. Z4
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Gaillardia 'Mandarin' (Blanketflower) Has a
bi-color 'Flame' effect. The large yellow-orange flowers
have handsome mahogany centers. Grows to 2'. Z4
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Gaura 'Corrie's Gold' (Variegated Gaura) Gold,
green and cream variegated foliage adds an extra season
of interest to this lonf blooming perennial. Pink to
white flowers appear on 2-3' stems. Good draining
improves winter hardiness. Z6
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Gaura 'Siskyou Pink' (Pink Gaura) Spectacular wine
red buds open to rosy pink flowers atop 30" stems.
Shorter and tidier than the species bearing darker
foliage. Z5
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Gaura 'Whirling Butterflies' |
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Geranium 'Ann Folkhard' (Cranesbill) New foliage
appears a bright golden chartreuse then fades to a light
green providing a striking pallette for the bright
magenta flowers with black eyes. A wonderful plant which
weaves its way through the garden or up into nearby
shrubs. Never fear, it's non-invasive and in fact, quite
well behaved. Full, although leaf color is better in
partial shade and rich moist soil. H 12" Z5
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Geranium 'Bressingham's Delight' (Cranesbill) A
great new introduction bearing bubble gum pink, slightly
irridescent flowers. A 1997-98 Blooms of Bressingham
indroduction. Grows well in partial shade. Drought
tolerant. H 24" Z5
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Geranium cantabrigiense x 'Biokova' (Cambridge
Geranium) Plants bear white tinged pink flowers in
June-July. Grows to 6-8". Z5
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Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' (Grayleaf Cranesbill) A
small compact plant with deeply cut gray-green foliage.
Flowers most of the summer with soft pale pink flowers
with prominent dark pink veins. Z5
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Geranium dalmaticum |
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Geranium himalayense |
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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Ingwerson's Variety' (Bigroot
Geranium) Bushy plant with brilliant magenta flowers in
spring and pungent scented leaves. Full sun to part shade
in any soil conditions. H 18". Z4
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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' (Bigroot
Geranium) An effective weed smothering groundcover for
tough dry conditions bearing magenta flowers with deep
red sepals. Foliage is large with a pungent spicy scent
and is nearly evergreen. Full sun to part shade in any
soil conditions. H 15" Z4
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Geranium psilostemon (Armenian Geranium) Magenta-red
flowers with black centers on big, handsome plants with
broad textural foliage. An impressive plant with a lot of
impact. Plants perform best in broken shade with rich,
moist soil. H 3' Z5
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Geranium 'Rozanne' |
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Geranium sanguineum 'John Elsley' (Bloody Cranesbill) Prostrate
growth, drought and heat tolerance, long bloom season and
bright carmine flowers with dark veins make this a very
classy garden subject. Z4
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Geranium sanguineum striatum (Bloody Cranesbill) Thought
to be the best form bearing pink flowers with magenta
veining on tight mounds of foliage. Blooms almost all
summer. Heat and drought tolerant. Z3
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Geranium 'Splish Splash' (Cranesbill) A G. pratense
cultivar bearing wite flowers with lavender splashes on
the petals. Full sun in rich moist soil. H 2". Z5
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Goniolimon tataricum |
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Gypsophila paniculata 'Pink Fairy' |
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Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake' |
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Gypsophila paniculata 'Viette's Dwarf' |
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Helenium 'Bruno' (Sneezeweed) Long blooming variety
begings in late-summer and continues into fall with
masses of bronze red flowers atop 3-4' stems. Plant in
full sun in moist conditions. Z3
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Helenium 'Coppelia' (Sneezeweed) A 1997-98 Blooms
of Bressingham introduction bearing coppery orange
flowers atop sturdy 39" stems (No staking). Larger
blossoms than other varieties. Z3
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Helianthus salicifolius 'First Light' |
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Helianthus salicifolius 'Low Down' |
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Helianthemum 'Annabel' (Sun Rose, Rock Rose) Pure
pink double with a 2' spread of small green foliage. They
can withstand dry and even starved soil, but require a
well drained site. Wherever there is sun and drainage
they will flower freely summer-long. H 12" Z5
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Heliopsis 'Bressingham Doubloon' |
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Heliopsis helian var scabra 'Summer Sun' (False
Sunflower) Three to four inch orange daisy-like flowers
on 3-4' stems throughout the summer. Excellent cut flower
and a vigorous naturalizer for wild gardens. Full sun.
Easily adapts to different soil types. Z4
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Heliopsis 'Loraine Sunshine' (False Sunflower P.P.
#10690) Large golden yellow daisy flowers from
mid-summer to frost. A stunning variety with unique
variegated foliage. Leaves are white with dark green
veins. H 16" Z4
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Helleborus niger (Christmas Rose) An evergreen
perennial with white cup-shaped flowers in late winter.
Prefers sun to part shade and deep rich neutral to
slightly limey soil. It is particularly desirable because
of its large late blooms. Grows to 12" Z4
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Helleborus orientalis (Lenten Rose) Leathery dark
green foliage. Three to 4" wide flowers to purple in
earlyspring. Shade and rich soil. H 1-2' Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Flava' (Lemon Lily) Lovely
old-fashioned plant that is returning to popularity amonf
those suffering from new variety burn-out. Tall, slender,
lemon-yellow and lemon-scented. Narrow grass-like
foliage. The first daylily to bloom. Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' (Daylily) Pale yellow
repeat bloomer, to 24". Z3
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Hemerocallis x 'Hyperion' (Daylily) Fragrant lemon
yellow, early. Grows to 36"
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Hemerocallis 'Lady Elizabeth' |
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Hemerocallis 'Lady Emily' (Daylily) Ruffled, round,
clear lavebder blooms accented by darker veins and near
white mibribs. 5 1/4" flowers appear midseason above
the lush green foliage. H 16" Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Lady Eva' (Daylily) Spectacular
violet blooms appear on 30" stems in mid-summer.
This repeat bloomer is a 1998 Blooms of Bressingham
indroduction. Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Lady Georgia' |
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Hemerocallis 'Lady FLorence' |
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Hemerocallis 'Lady Jackie' |
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Hemerocallis "Lady Lucille' (Daylily) Intense
orange, 6" flower with striking yellow-gold midribs
and deeper orange-red blush surrounding a gold throat
with green heart appear mid to late season. H 24" Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Lady Rose' |
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Hemerocallis 'Lady Scarlett' |
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Hemerocallis mini Stella |
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Hemerocallis 'Miss Amelia' Pale yellow 3 1/2"
fragrant flowers appearing early with repeat blooming.
High bud count, and plants rapidly increase in size. H
14" Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Miss Mary Mary' (Daylily) Golden
yellow flowers are produced in early summer which, when
they begin their repeat bloom cycle return as fully
double blossoms on this dwarf plant. A 1998 Blooms of
Bressingham introdution. Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Miss Tinkerbell' (Daylily) 3
3/4" delicate peach-pink flowers accented be a coral
eye form in midseason with repeat blooming. Handsome
clumps of rich blue-green foliage form quickly. H
15" Z4
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Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box' |
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Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' |
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Hemerocallis x 'Stella de Oro' (Daylily) Dwarf,
with gold blossoms. Repeat bloomer. Grows to 20". Z3
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Heuchera 'Bressingham Bronze' (Bressingham Bronze
Heuchera) Large bronze-purple crinkled leaves, bright
purple beneath, form a striking mound from which rise
arching stems topped by fine off-white flowers. The
darkest and most reliab;e bronze leaved heuchera. Sun and
heat tolerant in moist well drained soil. H 28". Z4
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Heuchera 'Palace Purple' (Small-Flowered Alumroot) The
classic deep purple Heuchera, bearing ivy shaped leaves
and small white flowers in late spring. The foliage color
makes this a great addition to the perennial garden. Full
sun to partial shade. Perennial Plant of he Year in 1994.
Grows to 1-2'. Z4
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Heuchera 'Rosemary Bloom' |
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Heucherella 'Bridget Bloom' (Foamy Bells) An
interesting hybrid of two genera (Heuchera x Tiarella).
Vigorous and long-blooming, from spring through summer.
Light pink. Full sun to partial shade. Moist,
well-drained soil. Grows to 20". Z5
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Heucherella 'Quicksilver' |
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Hibiscus 'Disco Belle Mixed' |
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Hibiscus 'Lord Baltimore' |
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Hibiscus moscheutos 'Southern Belle' (Rose Mallow) Large
grower, with white, red and pink flowers 6" in
diameter. Best in full sun dand moist soil. H 4'
Hosta albo-Marginata (Plantain Lily) Green leaves
edged in white. Grows to 18". Z4
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Hosta 'Bressingham Blue' (Plantain Lily) A
selection of H. sieboldiana thought to be one of the best
large leaved blues available. Rounded, puckered foliage
with white flowers on 30" scapes. H 20" Z4
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Hosta 'Gold Drop' |
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Hosta 'Gold Edger' (Plantain Lily) Light green
heart-shaped laves, yellow margins. Four-inch leaves form
a tight, low mound. Purple flowers. H 12" Z4
Hosta 'Golden Tiara' |
Hosta fortuneii 'Francee'
(Plantain Lily) Green heart-shaped leaves with white
margin. Lavender flowers in July and August. Grows
15-20". Z3
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Hosta fortuneii Aureomarginata |
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Hosta sieboldiana 'Great Expectations' (Plantain
Lily) Large roung puckered blue and light green leaves.
The center of the leaf is yellow-cream. A dense mass of
white flowers appear in midsummer. H 22". Z3
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Hosta 'Flavocircinalis' |
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Hosta 'Frances Williams' (Plantain Lily) Blue-green
round puckered leaves with wide golden border.
Lavender-white flowers. H 2-3'. Z3
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Hosta 'Hillbilly Blues' |
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Hosta x 'Honeybells' (Plantain Lily) Hybrid of H.
plantaginea. Upright grower with light green leaves and
fragrant soft lavender flowers. Grows rapidly to form
large clump. H 24" Z4
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Hosta 'June' |
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Hosta 'Krossa Regal' (Plantain Lily) Large, oval,
powder blue upright leaves. Pale lavender flowers on 4'
stems in July. H 3' Z4
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Hosta Minuteman |
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Hosta 'Northern Halo' |
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Hosta fortunei 'Patriot' (Plantain Lily) A large
specimen plant with dark forest green leaves and a wide
pure-white margin; lavender flowers early in mid-summer.
H 22" Z3
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Hosta 'Potomac Pride' |
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Hosta 'Regal Splendor' |
Hosta x 'Royal Standard' (Plantin Lily) Vigorous
hybrid of H. plantaginea. Fast growing green-leaved form
wiht large, well-shaped, very fragrant white flowers. A
good selection as it does well in sun or shade. Grows to
28". Z4
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Hosta 'Samuel Blue' |
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Hosta sieboldiana var elegans (Plantin Lily) Large
blueish cupped leaves are heavily textured. Fragrant
white flowers appear on compact scapes in early summer. A
specimen. Grows to 36". Z3
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Hosta 'Sum & Substance' (Plantin Lily) A huge
chartreause-gold specimen. This variety is slug
resistant. White flowers appear in mid-summer. H 3'. Z3
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Hosta 'Wild Brim' (Plantain Lily) Blue-green center
with wide irregular cream and gold margins. Large pale
lavender flowers in summer. H 18". Z4
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Hosta "Wolverine' |
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Hypericum calycinum |
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Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake' |
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Iris pallida albo-veriegata (Orris-Root Iris) Violet
blooming in late spring with a cream white veriegation.
Well-drained soils.Cultivated for orris-root used by the
perfume industry. Likes a warm, sunny spot. Grows to
3-4'. Z4
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Iris pseudoacorus (Yellow Flag) Excellent in wet
area-though tolerates average soils. Bright yellow
flowers in early summer. Full sun to partial shade. Grows
to 3-5'. Z4
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Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' (Siberian Iris) Deep
purple flowers. Grows to 3'. Z4
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Iris versicolor (Blue Flag Iris) Native blue flag
of swamps and wet ditches. Adapts to drier soils. Grows
to 3'. Z3
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Kalimeris yomena 'Aurea' |
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Kirengeshoma palmata (Kirengeshoma) A bushy plant
with large creamy-yellow flowers in September. Needs
lime-free moist soil. Grows to 3'. Z6
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Kniphofia 'Bressingham Comet' (Red Hot Poker) Red
tipped blooms with yellow bases appear in midsummer and
continue into fall on slender flower spikes. Thin grass
like foliage. Plant in full sun in well draines soil. A
1997-98 Blooms of Bressingham introduction. H 24" Z5
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Kniphofia 'Shining Sceptre' (Red Hot Poker) Vigorous
plant put forth wide flower heads with pale orange top
and golden yellow bases in early summer. A heavy bloomer
requiring full sun and a well drained site. A 1997-98
Blooms of Bressingham introduction. H 3' Z5
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Lavandula a. 'Blue Cushion' (Lavender) A
spectacular dwarf with free-flowering, deep blue flowers
and gray-green foliage. Grows to 16" Z5
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Lavandula a. 'Hidcote' |
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Lavandula a. 'Martha Roderick' |
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Lavandula a. 'Munstead' |
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Lavandula x intermedia 'Fred Boutin' |
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Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' |
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Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence' |
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Leucanthemum 'Becky' (Shasta Daisy) The ultimate
shasta daisy! Large, single white blossoms appear on
30-36" sturdy stems from June to October. Holds up
well to heat and humidity. Z4
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Leucanthemum 'Crazy Daisy' |
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Leucanthemum 'Silver Princess' |
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Leucanthemum x superbum 'Snowcap' (Shasta Daisy) A
low, tight vigorous plant blanketed with single white
blossoms in early summer. Long lasting. H 20" Z4
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Leucanthemum x sup. 'Summer Snowball' (Summer
Snowball Daisy) Pure white double blooms nearly tennis
ball size. A noteworthy new cut flower. Grows to
30". Z4
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Liatris spicata 'Floristan White' (White Liatris) Creamy
white flowers. Z3
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Liatris spicata 'Kobold' (Gatfeather Kobold) Spike
Gayfeather. A compact variety with dark purple flowers in
August and September. Full sun. Grows to 24". Z3
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Ligularia przewalski |
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Ligularia 'Sun Gold' (Golden Ray) A busy plant with
a fine display of deep golden-orange flowers on branching
stems. Reaching 5' and spreading 2'. Z4
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Lingularia 'The Rocket' (Lingularia) An Alan Bloom
introduction with large green leaves and tall spikes of
yellow flowers in late summer. Sun to part shade. Moist
soil. Allow plenty of space. Grows 4-5'. Z4
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Liriope 'Big Blue' |
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Liriope 'Majestic' |
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Liriope "Variegata' |
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Lithodora 'Heavenly Blue' (Lithodora) Gorgeous
gentian-blue flowers on prostrate, hairy plants in
spring. Needs lime-free soil and a protected site. Z6
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Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower) Erect plant
with red tube-like flowers in racemes, early to late
summer. Light shade and moist soils are preferred.
Excellent wetland and water garden plant, though it
adapts well in the border garden. Attracts hummingbirds.
H 3-4'. Z3
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Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' (Cardinal Flower) Brillant
red flowers & bronze foliage. Plants grow to 5' in
flower. Full sun to partial shade. Moist soil. Can also
be grown partially submerged in water gardens. Z6
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Lobelia siphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia) Spikes of
blue flowers in late summer. Does better in partial shade
and likes plenty of miosture. Native to the northern
United States. Grows to 2'. Z4
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Lupinus 'Gallery Mix' |
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Lupinus 'Russell's Hybrids' |
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Lysimachia clethroides (Gooseneck Loosestrife) This
vigorous perennial has numerous white, arching flowers.
Enjoys moist soils in full sun to partial shade. Can be
grown partially submerged in the water garden. Z4
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Lysimachia punctata 'Alexandra' |
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Malva alcea var. fastigiata |
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Matteuccia struthiopteris (Ostrich Fern) A tall
grower to 4-6', with large broad leaves. A wonderful
addition to the shade garden. Prefers very moist site and
lots of humus. The sourse of edible 'fiddleheads' in
early spring. Z4
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Monarda 'Blue Stocking' |
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Monarda 'Cambridge Scarlet' |
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Monarda 'Gardenview Scarlet' (Beebalm) Strong red ,
mildew resistant. Grows to 3 1/2'. Z4
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Monarda 'Marshall's Delight' (Marshall's Delight
Beebalm) A bright pink flowered cultivar know to have
mildew-resistance. Moist soil. Full sun to partial shade.
Monarda's are one of the easiest perennials to grow. H 3'
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Monarda 'Prairie Night' (Bee Balm) Deep
purple-lilac flowers.
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Myostis alpestris 'Indigo Blue' |
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Nepeta 'Dawn to Dusk' |
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Nepeta faassenii 'Dropmore' (Catmint) Tough
perennial with gray, aromatic foliage and blue flowers in
loose spikes in summer. Somewhat sprawling growth is
healthiest in full sun and well-drained soil. A spledid
plant to accompany roses. Grows to 12-15". Z3
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Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' (Catmint) The largest
catmint, with larger leaves & large deep blue
flowers. Grows to 2 1/2'. Z3
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Nepeta 'Souvenir d'Andre Chaudron' (Catmint) Extremly
hardy selection bearing blue flowers on compact plants.
Seems to bloom all summer long! Full sun and good
drainage. H 2-3'. Z4
Nipponanthemum nipponicum
(Montauk, Nippon Daisy) Large white flowers on sturdy
18-24" stems in late summer and early fall. One of
the most colorful perennials in the fall landscape. Full
sun, well drained soil. Z5
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Oenothera missouriensis (Ozark Sundrop) A low
grower with large yellow flowers in summer. Tolerant of
poor soils and drought conditions. Full sun. Grows to
10". Z4
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Oenethera 'Siskiyou Pink' (Pink Evening Primrose) Prostrate
variety suitable in a rock garden or front border.
Fragrant pink flowers persist all summer. Tolerates dry
soils. Full sun. Grows to 10". To 2-3". Z5
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Opuntia humifusa |
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Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' (Ornamental
Oregano) A splendid plant for many uses. Mats of dark
foliage give rise to 2' flower stems that bear clusters
of dark pink flowers from mid summer on, followed by
maroon seed hearts that carry color into the fall. Can be
dried. Drought tolerant. Spreads, but not an invasive
nuisance. Z5
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Osmunda cinnamomea (Cinnamon Fern) Large,
vase-shaped fern with upright cinnamon-colored fronds in
center. Enjoys shade and moist soil. Grows to 3-4'. Z4
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Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern) |
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Papaver alpinum |
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Papaver nudicaule 'Champagne Bubbles' (Iceland
Poppies) Absolutely breathtaking 5" silky flowers
in clear, paint-box pastels. Short-lived perennials that
reward you with blooms from early spring to mid summer.
Great cut flowers. Grows to 15". Z3
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Papaver nudicaule 'Garden Gnone' (Iceland Poppy) Smaller
flowers in deeper, bright colors. Stunning bedders and
cut flowers. TO 12'. Z3
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Papaver orientale 'Beauty of Livermore' (Oriental
Poppy) Truly deep red flowers. Full sun and good
drainage. Z4
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Papaver orientale 'Prince of Orange' (Oriental Poppy) Brilliant
orange flowers. Z3
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Papaver orientale 'Princess Victoria Louise' |
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Penstemon digitalis 'Husker's Red' (Husker's Red
Beard-Tongue) Bronze foliage throughout the season with
2-3' spikes of white bells in June. Perennial plant of
the year in 1996. Z6
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Penstemon 'Elfin Pink' |
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Penstemon 'Scarlet Queen' |
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Peony 'Duchess DeNemours' |
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Peony 'Felix Crousse' |
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Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian Sage) A graceful
perennial with gray-green foliage and blue flowers
throughout the summer. Pungent foliage when crushed.
Prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Drought tolerant.
Perennial plant of the year in 1995. H 3-4'. Z5
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Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Filigran' (Cutleaf Russian
Sage) Very fine textured ferny foliage. Long bloomer
from July to September. Preforms well in hot dry
locations, but requires a well drained site. H 42".
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Perovskia 'Longin' |
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Persicaria affinis 'Dimity' (Firetail) Charming
deep pink flower, shaded paler with time, colorful autumn
tints. A vigorous grower with good color in mid summer.
Grows to 9-18". Z6
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Persicaria amplexicaulis (Firetail) Long blooming
foundation of the summer garden. Bright red 3-4"
stems of flowers from July to frost. Vigorous grower
performs best in light shade. H 4' Z5
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Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Taurus' (Fleece Flower) Large,
scarlet bottle brush flowers from early summer to mid
fall. Full flower spikes with good color plus the added
benefit of shorter plant habit. H 30" Z5
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Persicaria bistoria 'Superba' |
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Phlox carolina 'Miss Lingard' (Carolina Phlox) A
native phlox with lustrous, thick, mildew-resistant
foliage & white flowers that last three weeks at
mid-summer. Full sun to partial shade and rich, moist
soil. Grows to 4'. Z3
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Phlox maculata 'Natasha' |
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Phlox paniculata 'David' |
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Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' (Summer Phlox) Warm
pink with a red eye. Plant has thin leaves with raised,
reticule veins and with minutely ciliate-toothed margins.
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Phlox paniculata 'Franz Schubert' (Summer Phlox) Lilac
blue flowers with a star shaped crimson eye on
30-36" stems in summer. One of the most mildew
resistant cultivars yet introduced. Moist well-drained
soil and full sun. Z3
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Phlox paniculata 'Nora Leigh' |
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Phlox paniculata 'Shortwood' (Garden Phlox) Pink
flowers with dark pink eye in summer. Slightly taller and
nearly mildew resistant. H 45". Z4
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Phlox paniculata 'Starfire' |
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Phlox stolonifera 'Bruce's White' |
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Phlox stolonifera 'Home Fries' (Creeping Phlox) A
profuse bloomer producing masses of pink flowers in
spring. This long bloomer forms a mat of narrow leafy
foliage. Performs well in full sun and shade. H 10"
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Phlox subulata 'Atropurpurea' |
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Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripe' |
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Phlox subulata 'Crimson Beauty' |
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Phlox subulata 'Oakington Blue Eyes' (Moss Phlox) Large
clear pale blue flowers form a tidy mat of color in early
spring. Needs a well drained site. Tolerates rocky
conditions well. H 6" Z4
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Phlox subulata 'White Delight' |
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Phlox x douglasii 'Cracker Jack' (Moss Phlox) Similar
in growth habit to P. subulata, but with finer, neater
foliage. Brilliant magenta flowers appear from May-June.
Striking color! H4". Z5
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Physostegia 'Variegata' (Variegated Obedient Plant) Clear
white leaf margins. Very showy foiliage, pink flowers in
mid-summer. Z4
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Physostegia virginiana 'Rosea' |
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Platycodon grandiflorus 'Hime Murasaki' |
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Platycodon grandiflorus 'Sentimental Blue' (Balloon
Flower) Deep blue balloon flowers on short (8")
stems, summer. Well drained soil. Sun to part shade. Z5
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Polemonium 'Brise d'Anjou' (Variegated Jacob's
Ladder) A spectacular elegantly variegated form of
Jacob's Ladder with bi-colored leaves. The variegated
ranges from cream to gold with the color intensifying on
the flower stems. Produces lavender flowers in early
summer. Stable variegation. A 1997-98 Blooms of
Bressingham Indroduction. Performs well in full sun to
part shade as long as adequate moisture is provided. H
20" Z4
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Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas Fern) Evergreen
foliage on cascading stems. Native woodland plant
requires light shade and moist well-drained soils. Grows
to 15". Z4
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Polystichum polyblepharum (Tassel Fern) |
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Polystichum tsus-simense (Korean Rock Fern) |
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Primula 'Katy McSparron' |
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Pulmonaria 'David Ward' |
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Pulmonaria 'Highdown' (Lungwort) Display of
dangling, rich blue flowers and silver marked foiliage,
leafy & vigorous with a 1 x 2' spread. Earlier
blooming and taller than the species. Z4
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Pulmonaria 'Leopard' (Lungwort) The outermost basal
leaves are somewhat tapered to the petiole, always with
large, white, overlapping spots. Z4
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Pulmonaria 'Margery Fish' (Margery Fish Lungwort) Silvery
spots on foliage. Pink flowers fade to blue in spring.
Enjoys shade and moist soils. Grows to 18". Z3
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Pulmonaria 'Mrs. Moon' |
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Pulmonaria 'Sissinghurst White' (Lungwort) An
elegant plant bearing pure white flowers over deep green
leaves with clear silvery white spots. H 10" Z4
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Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum' (Black-Eyed Susan,
Conflower) A popular summer bloomer with masses of
yellow flowers. The 1999 Perennial Plant of the Year. H
3' Z3
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Rudbeckia 'Viette's Little Suzy' (Dwarf Black-Eyed
Susans) Masses of 2' golden flowers with dark cones on
wiry stems cover the tidy narrow foiliage of this little
gem. Its short stature and well behaved growth habit make
it perfect for the front of the border or as a container
subject. Long blooming late July-September. H 16"
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Salvia 'Blue Hill' |
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Salvia 'Blue Queen' (Hybrid Blue Salvia) Erect
plant with violet-blue flowers mid-summer to frost.
Prefers sun and well-drained soil. Grows to 12-16".
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Salvia 'East Friesland' |
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Salvia x sylvestris 'Indigo' (Sage) Deep blue
flowers on graceful branching spikes. Produces a solid
second bloom if sheared after first blooming. H 3"
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Salvia 'Lubeca' |
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Salvia 'May Night' (Dark Purple Sage) Dark purple
flower spikes are borne on compact coarsly foliaged
plants in late spring to early summer. Performs well in
full sun in well drained garden soil. Drought tolerant.
1997 Perennial Plant of the Year. H 18-24" Z5
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Salvia 'Purple Rain' (Salvia) Large leaved, bushy
plants bear smokey purple flowers from late spring to mid
summer. Tolerante of poor soils with average moisture. H
2' Z5
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Salvia 'Rose Queen' (Pink Hybrid Sage) Pink flower
spikes. Summer flowering. Full sun. Drought tolerant. H
24" Z4
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Saxifraga 'Purple Robe' (Saxifrage) Low growing
vigorous spreading hardy form that blooms deep purple
countinuosly. An excellent rock garden plant. Average
soil in full sun to partial shade. H 8" Z4
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Scabiosa columbria 'Butterfly Blue' (Pincushion) An
extravagant performer with lavender blue blooms from May
to heavy frost. Neat, compact habit. Plant in full sun in
well drained soil. H 18-24" Z5
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Scabiosa x columbaria 'Pink Mist' (Pincushion Flower) Large
clear pink flowers throughout the summer on 12"
stems. Adapts to a wide variety of soil conditions and
tolerates partial shade. PP08957 Asexual propogation
prohibited. H 18-24" Z5
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Scabiosa ochroleuca (Cream Pincushion FLower) Primrose
yellow flowers 1" wide in summer. Foliage is
gray-green. A clump grower and outstanding plant when
grown in full sun and well-drained soil. H 3' Z5
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Sedum 'Albo Variegata' |
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Sedum 'Arthur Branch' |
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Sedum 'Bronze Carpet' |
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Sedum 'Autumn Joy' (Stonecrop) Masses of pink
flowers gradually turning from red to bronze in
August-September. A durable plant that can take care of
itself. Sun or light shade. Any well-drained soil. Z4
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Sedum 'Bertram Anderson' (Stonecrop) A low tight
mound of tidy foliage bearing richer blue-burgandy color
than 'Verna Jameson'. Blooms are bright carmine-rose in
August-September. A spectacular plant for a well drained,
sunny spot. H 10" Z4
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Sedum 'Brilliant' (Stonecrop) Large heads of showy,
deep-rose flowers. Blossoming late summer through fall.
Sun to light shade. Any well-drained soil. Grows to
12-18" Z4
Sedum 'Dragon's Blood' - Green
Form (Stonecrop) Flowers a deeper
rose-red. Same attractive bronze foliage as 'Bronze
Carpet'. Excellent groundcovers for sunny locations with
poor soil. Z3
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Sedum x 'Frosty Morn' (Stonecrop) Dramatic foliage
with wide white bands provide eason long interest. White
to pink flowerheads appear in autumn on this compact
grower. provide full sun and a well drained location. H
21" Z4
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Sedum kamshaticum 'Variegatus' (Stonecrop) Variegated
green and white foliage. Yellow flowers come into bloom
in the spring. H 4-5". Z3
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Sedum 'Matrona' |
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Sedum x 'Ruby Glow' |
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Sedum 'Tri-Color' (Stonecrop) A ground cover. In
cooler weather the white edges of the green leaves are
touched with pink. Spectacular in a large area and
interesting in a rock garden. Full sun to part shade. Any
well-drained soil. Z4
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Sedum 'Vera Jameson' (Purple-Leaved Stonecrop) New
hybrid with deep purple leaves and pink flowers in late
summer, early fall. Forms cascading mounds. Full sun and
average soil. Grows to 9-12" Z4
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Sedum 'Wienstephaner Gold' |
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Sidalcea hybrida 'Stark's Variety' (Prairie Mallow) Deep
rose flowers. Excellent for cut flowers. Z5
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Silene maritima 'Swan Lake' (Catchfly) Pure white
double flowers on long stems drape over the bluish
foliage of this groundcover or hanging basket specimen. H
3". Z5
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Solidago 'Fireworks' (Fireworks Goldenrod) A
compact clump with gold flower clusters that radiate out
like an explosion of fireworks in late summer. Full sun
to partial shade. Tolerates poor soils. H 3-4'. Z3
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Stachys 'Helene Von Stein' (Big Ears) Broad leaves
twice the size of other Lambs Ears. A strong clumping
habit. Z4
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Stokesia laevis 'Traumerei' (Stoke's Aster) Large
white with pink blossoms bloom in July and last until
frost. Great for cut flowers. H 12" Z5
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Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Meadow Rue) Three-foot-tall
plant has clouds of purple flowers in summer. Grows in a
moist spot in partial shade. H 4' Z5
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Thekypteris (Japanese Beach Fern) |
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Thermopsis lanceolata |
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Tiarella cordifolia |
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Tradescantia 'Concord Grape' |
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Tradescantia virginiana 'Red Cloud' |
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Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' (Toad Lily) Exotic
lily-like blooms cover graceful arching stems in early
October. Blooms light cream mottled with purple inside.
Perfect in the shade garden. Grows 1-3'. Z5
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Veronica 'Goodness Grows' (Speedwell) Dark blue
flowers throughout the summer. Grows to 12-15". One
of the largest blooming Veronicas. Z3
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Veronica austriaca 'Crater Lake Blue' |
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Veronica 'Icicle' (White Speedwell) Clean white
flowers from early June until frost. Lustrous spot-free
foliage. Full sun to light shade. Average garden soil. Z3
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Veronica spicata 'Sunny Border Blue' (Speedwell Sunny
Border Blue) Neat clump grower with dense spires of
color from mid June through August. Full sun to part
shade. Fertile well-drained soil. Reaches 10-15" in
height. Z4