Perennials D - G

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Delosperma cooperi
Delphinium 'Connecticut Yankee'
Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Mirror' Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Mirror'


  Delphinium grandiflorum 'Summer Blues'  
Delphinium 'Magic Fountains' Mix
Delphinium 'Round Table' Mix Delphinium 'Round Table' Mix
Dianthus allwoodii 'Oakington' Dianthus allwoodii 'Oakington' (Border Pinks)

Delightful, fragrant double flowers and free-spreading habit. Discovered by Alan Bloom at the site of the first Blooms nursery.

Soft, double pink flowers in summer atop tufts of blue-gray foliage.

Full sun. USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 9 to 1.

Excellent alpine-type plant for borders, rock gardens or stone walls.

4" tall by 10" wide. Use 5 plants per square yard.

Prefers well-drained, slightly alkaline soil. Remove spent flowers to extend bloom period. Divide in spring as needed.

Dianthus barbatus 'Indian Carpet' (Sweet William Indian Carpet)

A late spring flowering old fashioned perennial with a mix of red and white flowers. Full sun. Rich, well-drained soil. Grows to 12-15". Z4

Dianthus 'Frosty Fire'
  Dianthus grat. 'Sternkissen'  
Dianthus 'Pixie'
  Dianthus 'Pixie Star'  

Dianthus 'Rosish One'

'Rosish One' is another legacy from the lifework of the famous Fleming brothers of Lincoln, Neb., who contributed numerous cultivars of Dianthus and other species to the perennial market. It comes to the Blooms of Bressingham family of fine plants by way of the University of Nebraska.

Its unique flower color and tidy habit are sure to elicit praise from growers and gardeners alike. And despite its newness, the familiar Dianthus habit and spicy scent will bring old-fashioned, cottage-garden charm to any perennial border.

'Rosish One' produces multi-layered flowers of mottled, velvety dark rose. The sculpted petal edges are delicately traced in white. Unlike some Dianthus, flowering persists throughout the summer and even into fall with a delightful fragrance. This introduction also gets high marks in our field trials for its silvery-grey foliage and its durability.

Full Sun. USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 8 to 1.

A natural for the front of the sunny border, and a fine crop for spring flowering containers.

Flowers 10" tall, foliage 6" tall. 16" spread in 2 years.

Thrives in full sun.

Dicentra formosa 'Adrian Bloom' Dicentra formosa 'Adrian Bloom'  (Fringed Bleeding Heart)

Long bloom period and slightly more sun-tolerant than similar Dicentra eximia types. Striking flower and foliage color contrast.

Copious sprays of rich crimson-rose flowers in late spring through summer above mounds of gray-green foliage.

Partial shade. USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 10 to 1.

Plant in front of borders or island beds. Excellent specimen plant for rock and woodland gardens.

10" to 12" tall by 8" wide. Use 4 plants per square yard.

Grows best in moist but well-drained soils. Remove spent flowers to prolong bloom season. Separate offsets from crown in spring every 2 to 3 years.

  Dicentra formosa 'Aurora'
Dicentra formosa 'Luxuriant'
Dicentra formosa 'Snowflakes' Dicentra formosa 'Snowflakes' (Fringed Bleeding Heart)

Compact growth and long bloom period; distinct from other white forms. Foliage generally remains green all summer.

White flowers from midspring throughout summer. Low spreading clumps of finely cut green foliage.

Partial shade. USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 10 to 1.

Nice in woodland gardens. Fine specimen plants for rock gardens and borders.

10" tall by 10" wide. Use 4 plants per square yard.

Prefers cool, moist, lightly shaded sites. Do not allow plants to dry out. Snap off spent flower heads to encourage rebloom. Divide in fall when plants become crowded.

Dicentra spectabilis Dicentra spectabilis

This bleeding heart features durable bluish foliage and numerous bright pink blooms that last from late spring until fall. Shade to partial shade and moist soil. H 15" Z3

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' (Alba Bleeding Heart, Fringed Bleeding Heart)

Perennial that blooms from spring to fall. Produces long, arching stems with white, heart-shaped flowers. Optimal growth and flowering in part shade to shady enivornment with moist soil. Low maintenance, requires only removing faded flowers and yellowing foilage. Fertilize in early spring before new growth begins.

Blooming Range:
Late Spring to Early Fall
14 to 18 inches
12 to 16 inches
Hardiness Zone Range:
4 to 8
Shade to Part Shade
Normal to Moist
Sandy Loam to Clay Loam

Digitalis ambigua (Foxglove)

These self seeding biennials bear spikes of nodding tubular flowers in late spring to early summer. They prefer a moist site in full sun. A charming old cottafe garden favorite.

Digitalis purpurea 'Excelsior'
Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy' Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy' (Foxglove)

Large flowers in a variety of colors from June to July. Grows to 4'. Z4

Digitalis x mertonensis (Strawberry Foxglove)

Large, bell-shaped, rose colored flowers in summer. One of the best Digitalis with attractive foliage and large flowers. A true perennial. Full sun to partial shade. Moist well-drained soil. Grows to 3'. Z4

Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum'

2' large 2" bright, yellow flowers in early spring. Very showy. Attractive, free flowering perennial, which brings a bright splash of color to the garden early in the season. Showy, yellow daisy flowers are borne in profusion on sturdy stems in early to mid spring and persist for several weeks. They are the earliest of the daisies to bloom, and make excellent, long lasting cut flowers. The bright green heart shaped foliage grows in low mounds. It goes dormant in the heat of the summer, leaving gaps in the garden, but sometimes re-appears towards the end of summer when temperatures are cooler. Plants are happiest in part shade, but will tolerate full sun with adequate moisture. The more moisture available, the better. Since Doronicum is very shallow rooted, plants benefit from summer mulch to provide a cool and moist root run.

Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Knee High' Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Knee High'
  Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Mophead'  
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' (Magnus Coneflower)

'Magnus' is a fast growing perennial. Ideal plant for low maintenance gardens. Profuse dark orange- centered flowerheads with large, up to 7 inches wide, horizontal, deep purple petals, atop reddish-green stems. This perennial blooms all summer and into fall. Basal leaves are 6 inches long and ovate, stem leaves are ovate to lance shaped and 3 to 8 inches long. Superb in the perennial or mixed border. Good cut flower. May be divided in spring or fall. Plant in full sun; requires average soil.

Blooming Range:
Early Summer to Early Fall
12 to 18 inches
36 to 60 inches
Hardiness Zone Range:
3 to 9
Full Sun
Dry to Normal
Mostly Sand to Some Clay

Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Star'
Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' (White Swan Coneflower)

'White Swan' is a fast growing perennial. Ideal plant for low maintenance gardens. Profuse orange-brown-centered flowerheads with large, white petals, atop reddish-green stems. This perennial blooms all summer and into fall. Basal leaves are 6 inches long and ovate, stem leaves are ovate to lance shaped and 3 to 8 inches long. Superb in the perennial or mixed border. Good cut flower. May be divided in spring or fall. Plant in full sun; requires average soil.

Blooming Range:
Early Summer to Early Fall
14 to 18 inches
19 to 24 inches
Hardiness Zone Range:
3 to 9
Full Sun
Dry to Normal
Mostly Sand to Some Clay

  Echinops 'Arctic Glow'  
Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow'
Echinops ritro
Epimedium rubrum Epimedium rubrum
Epimedium versicolor 'Sulphureum'
Erigeron speciosus 'Prosperity' (Fleabane)

Dwarf and prolific-flowering form of an old-fashioned favorite cottage garden perennial.

Nearly double, light lavender-blue flowers with showy yellow centers on erect stems held above a rosette of basal leaves.

Full sun. USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 8 to 4.

Plant in front of borders and island beds. Plant in groups of at least 3 for best effect. Especially nice in rock gardens. Good cut flower.

14" tall by 18" wide. Use 4 plants per square yard.

Prefers average, well-drained soil. Tolerant of maritime conditions. Best divided in spring as needed. 

Eryngium alpinum 'Blue Star'
Eryngium amethystinum Eryngium amethystinum
Eryngium 'Sapphire Blue' (Sea Holly)

Striking architectural accent for garden. Has extended blue coloration onto the leaves and stems, allowing an extended season of interest and bolder garden accent. Flowers are larger and more colorful than other varieties.

Intense steely blue flower heads, leaves and stems form in summer. Tall, erect plants with branched stems.

Full sun. USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 9; AHS Heat Zones 12 to 1.

Good accent plant. Plant in groups of 3 to 5 plants in borders or beds. Good cut flower, fresh or dried.

28" tall by 18" wide. Use 4 plants per square yard.

Prefers sandy loam soil, low in fertility. Generally doesn�t spread. Forms a taproot so division must be done carefully.

Eryngium varifolium
  Eryngium yuccifolium (Rattlesnake Master)

A unique and eye-catching plant for a dry, sunny site. Slightly spiny leaves are arranged in a rosette that resembles Yucca. Flower stems shoots skyward in summer and are topped with thistle-like bluish silver flower. An architectural addition to the perennial border or meadow. Found in moist and dry sandy soil in open woods, fields or prairies from Virginia to Minnesota, south to Texas and Florida. Heigth: 4 - 5 feet. Zone 5 to 9.

Eupatorium 'Chocolate' (White Snakeroot)

Richly colored chocolate leaves are borne on shiny purple-black stems. Pure white flowers appear in early fall and last until frost. This fabulous cut flower performs well in full sun with adequate moisture. Z4

Fern, Autumn (Dryopteris erythrosora)

Deciduous fern growing to 18" in height, 12" in spread. New fronds are coppery-pink in spring, maturing to deep green and turning bright red in the fall. Fronds persist well into winter. Light shade and moist soil. Z5

Fern, Christmas (Polystichum acrostichoides)

Evergreen foliage on cascading stems. Native woodland plant requires light shade and moist well-drained soils. Grows to 15". Z4


Fern, Cinnamon (Osmunda cinnamomea) Fern, Cinnamon (Osmunda cinnamomea)

Large, vase-shaped fern with upright cinnamon-colored fronds in center. Enjoys shade and moist soil. Grows to 3-4'. Z4

Fern, Japanese Beech (Thekypteris)
Japanese Painted Fern Fern, Japanese Painted (Athyrium niponicum var. pictum)

Colorful, hardy fern with burgundy, silver, and green-marked fronds. Colorful accent for shade or filtered sun gardens. Contrasts well with hostas and other bold-leaved perennials.

8 to 12 inches
Hardiness Zone Range:
5 to 8
Deep Shade to Part Sun
Normal to Moist
Sandy Loam to Some Clay

Korean Rock Fern Fern, Korean Rock (Polystichum tsus-simense)
Fern, Lady (Athyrium felix-femina)
Fern, Ostrich (Matteuccia struthiopteris)

A tall grower to 4-6', with large broad leaves. A wonderful addition to the shade garden. Prefers very moist site and lots of humus. The sourse of edible 'fiddleheads' in early spring. Z4

Filipendula 'Kakome' (Meadowsweet)

Enchanting dwarf form offering a succession of flowers and bold foliage accent.

Froths of rosy pink flowers from mid- to late summer over low mounds of green, textured foliage.

Sun to partial shade. USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 8 to 1.

Nice in mass along border edges. Thrives in moist areas.

8" to 12" tall by 10" wide. Use 6 plants per square yard.

Provide light shade and ample moisture in hot, sunny locations. Does better in slightly alkaline soil. Do not allow to dry out. Divide in fall when desired.

Filipendula rubra 'Venusta Magnifica' Filipendula rubra 'Venusta Magnifica' (Meadow Sweet, Queen of the Prairie)

Deep pink flowers are held above lofty plants in mid summer. Strong stems are self supporting and tolerate abusive winds and rains. Plant in full sun with adequate moisture. H 6' Z3

  Filipendula venusta 'Plena'
Fragaria 'Lipstick'
Fragaria 'Pink Panda' (Strawberry)

An easy-to-care-for, beautifully adaptable plant for containers, baskets or ground cover. Striking pink color and the occasional fruit make this a fun plant.

Pretty pink flowers from late spring to late fall. Semi-evergreen foliage on low, spreading plants.

Full sun to partial shade. USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 7 to 1.

Pots, window boxes, hanging baskets. Excellent ground cover, edible fruit.

5� tall by 24� wide. Use 3 to 4 plants per square yard.

Flowers best with cooler temperatures as in early spring and fall. Ordinary well-drained soil is best, but adaptable to all soil types. Flowering is enhanced by removing fruit as it forms. Easily divided by runner separation. Trim runners to control size if desired.

Fragaria 'Red Ruby' Fragaria 'Red Ruby' (Red Ruby Strawberry)

Easy care, adaptable plant for containers, baskets or ground covers. Deeper colored, more compact with glossier foliage than other red-flowered varieties. Occasional edible fruit.

Ruby-red flowers from late spring till frost. Semi-evergreen foliage on low, spreading plants.

Full sun to partial shade. USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 7 to 1.

Use in pots, window boxes, hanging baskets or as an excellent ground cover for the garden. Edible fruit.

5" tall by 24" wide. Use 3 to 4 plants per square yard.

Flowers best with cooler temperatures as in early spring and fall. Ordinary well-drained soil is best, but adaptable to all soil types. Flowering enhanced by removing fruit as it forms. Trim runners to control size if desired. Easily divided by runner separation.

  Gaillardia 'Fanfare'  
Gaillardia grandiflora 'Baby Cole'
Gaillardia grandiflora 'Goblin' (Blanket Flower)

Red flowers with yellow margins. Grows to 1'. Z4

  Gaura lind. 'Corries Gold' (Variegated Gaura)

Gold, green and cream variegated foliage adds an extra season of interest to this lonf blooming perennial. Pink to white flowers appear on 2-3' stems. Good draining improves winter hardiness. Z6

Gaura lind. 'Siskiyou Pink' Gaura lind. 'Siskiyou Pink' (Pink Gaura)

A tap-rooted plant, which tolerates heat, humidity and some drought.

This Gaura cultivar is an erect, clump-forming perennial, which typically grows 2.5-3' tall on rigid, wiry stems. Features 4-petaled, butterfly-like flowers, which emerge rose pink from deep maroon buds. Flowers appear in open panicles, blooming several at a time over a long spring to autumn bloom time. Narrow, lance-shaped, stalk less leaves (to 3" long) are mottled with maroon

Best grown in sandy, loamy, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun. Good drainage is essential. Remove spent flower panicles to prolong bloom period. Flowering stems may become leggy and flop, particularly when grown in rich soils or too much shade. Plants can benefit from close planting or support from adjacent perennial.

2.5-3' tall

Introduction of the Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery in Medford, Oregon.

Plants (particularly taller ones) may be cut back in late spring by 1/2 to control size. May self-seed if spent flowers are left in place in autumn.

Gaura lind. 'Whirling Butterflies'

This Gaura cultivar is a compact, clump-forming, vase-shaped perennial.

Wiry, arching red stems, pink flower buds and 4-petaled snow white flowers (1" diameter) which appear in long, terminal, wand-like panicles above the foliage over a very long late spring to autumn bloom period. Flowers open only a few at a time, and dance in the wind like butterflies, hence the cultivar name.

Best grown in sandy, loamy, well-drained soil in full sun. Good drainage is essential. A tap-rooted plant which tolerates heat, humidity, some drought and poor soils. Remove spent flower spikes to prolong bloom.

Typically grows 2-3' tall. Differs from the species by being more compact and more floriferous with flowers being a brighter white. Narrow lance-shaped leaves (1-3" long) are sometimes spotted with maroon.

Thin flower stems tend to become leggy and flop, particularly when grown in rich soils. Plants often benefit from close planting or support from adjacent perennials. Plants may be cut back in late spring by 1/2 to control size. Although the species will self-seed, this cultivar is sterile.

Geranium 'Bressingham Delight' Geranium 'Bressingham Delight' (Crane's Bill)

Outstanding, long-lived color for the garden. Pretty foliage and tidy habit make this plant an excellent ground cover.

Soft pink flowers from midspring to midfall. Dark green foliage on mounded spreading plants.

Partial shade to full sun. USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 12 to 2.

Excellent for front of border, rock gardens or as ground cover.

16" tall by 24" wide. Use 3 plants per square yard.

Prefers average well-drained soil. Moist organic soils will promote spread. Tolerates summer heat well, especially if given extra moisture. Plants can be sheared to 3" to rejuvenate. Rarely needs division.

Geranium cinereum 'Apple Blossom' Geranium cinereum 'Apple Blossom'

This hybrid hardy geranium is a compact, clump-forming, low-growing, alpine-type variety which typically grows to only 4" tall but spreads to 10" or more. An introduction of Blooms of Bressingham.

Features 5-petaled, soft pink flowers with dark pink veins from late spring to early summer. Deeply cut leaves are an attractive silvery green.

Easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, organic soils. Zones 5-8

Height: 0.25 to 0.5 feet
Spread: 0.5 to 1 feet

Cut or shear plants back after flowering to rejuvenate, shape and encourage re-bloom. Side stems may be removed or trimmed at any time to control spread.

Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' (Crane's Bill)

Considered by many to be the best hybrid alpine-type geranium. Lovely lilac-pink flowers are flecked with crimson and dance atop lively, evergreen foliage.

Lilac-pink flowers from late spring to early fall. Evergreen foliage on mounded, spreading plants.

Partial shade to full sun. USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 12 to 2.

Excellent for front of border, rock garden or ground cover. One of the best plants of its type for rock gardens. Also nice for patio containers.

5" tall by 10" wide. Use 5 plants per square yard.

Prefers average well-drained soil. Moist organic soils will promote spread. Tolerates summer heat especially well if given extra moisture. Plants can be sheared to 3" to rejuvenate. Rarely needs division.

Geranium 'Claridge Druce'
Geranium mac. 'Bevan's Variety' (Bigroot Crane's Bill)

The most intensely coloured variety in this species. Aromatic foliage

Deep magenta flowers in summer. Low spreading clumps of palmate, aromatic leaves.

Sun to partial shade. USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8; AHS Heat Zones 12 to 2.

Great for rock gardens and border or bed edgings. Use around trees or shrubs that provide partial shade.

12" tall by 18" wide. Use 3 plants per square yard.

Prefers average well-drained soils. Moist organic soils will promote spread. Tolerates summer heat well if given ample moisture. Plants can be sheared to 3" to rejuvenate. Rarely needs division.

Geranium 'Ingwersen's Variety' Geranium mac. 'Ingwersen's Variety' (Bigroot Geranium)

Bushy plant with brilliant magenta flowers in spring and pungent scented leaves. Full sun to part shade in any soil conditions. H 18". Z4

Geranium 'Rozanne' Geranium pratense 'Rozanne' (Hybrid Crane's Bill)

Larger flowers and deeper blue color than similar varieties plus better heat tolerance to allow extended flowering throughout the summer. Foliage becomes reddish brown in the fall for added interest.

Large 2�" saucer-shaped, violet-blue flowers with white centers from early summer until frost above mounds of slightly-marbled, deep green foliage.

Sun to partial shade. USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8. AHS Heat Zones 12 to 2.

Place in front of beds or borders. Good groundcover. Nice habit for patio planters, window boxes or hanging baskets.

20" tall by 24" wide. Use 3 plants per square yard.

Prefers average well-drained soils. Moist organic soils will promote spread. Tolerates summer heat better when given ample moisture and partial shade. Plants can be sheared to 3" to rejuvenate. Rarely needs division.