Abutilon 'Apricot Shades'
(Apricot Flowering Maple)
Large, 3"
bell-shaped flowers are displayed outward on compact, branched plants. Looks
great in containers or as an indoor flowering houseplant. Plant grows 14-16"
tall. |
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Abutilon 'Deep Coral' (Coral Flowering Maple) Large, 3"
bell-shaped flowers are displayed outward on compact, branched plants. Looks
great in containers or as an indoor flowering houseplant. Plant grows 14-16"
tall. |
Abutilon 'Pink' (Pink Flowering Maple) Large, 3"
bell-shaped flowers are displayed outward on compact, branched plants. Looks
great in containers or as an indoor flowering houseplant. Plant grows 14-16"
tall. |
Abutilon 'Red' (Red Flowering Maple) Large, 3"
bell-shaped flowers are displayed outward on compact, branched plants. Looks
great in containers or as an indoor flowering houseplant. Plant grows 14-16"
tall. |
Abutilon 'Salmon Shades' (Salmon
Flowering Maple) Large, 3" bell-shaped flowers are
displayed outward on compact, branched plants. Looks great in containers or as
an indoor flowering houseplant. Plant grows 14-16" tall. |
Agastache 'Firebird' Bears
many orange-salmon flowers, full foliage, attracts
hummingbirds. Full sun, reaches 3'. |
Agastache rupestris Striking, fragrant,
rosy-orange flowers with gray-green foliage. Full sun, well drained soil,
reaches 3-4'. |
Agastache 'Tutti
Frutti' Tubular, pink flower that blooms from summer
until frost. Needs full sun, reaches 3'. |
Ageratum 'Fields Blue' Vigorous, well-branched and mounded plants
fill in quickly. Well-suited to landscapes. Full Sun. |
Ageratum 'Fields Purple'
Half-hardy Annual. Vigorous compact, mounded
plants, spread up to 30cm (12 inches) across, smothered with unusual, purple
flowers. Outstanding garden performance in borders or containers, flowering
all summer. |
'Leilani' Fluffy, clear blue flowers top the
graceful, 14-16", dark green-leafed plants. Full and uniform in the garden. |
Alstroemeria-Jazze-'Deep Rose' The first compact Alstroemeria. 'Jazze'
series flowers uniformly with large, vibrant blooms. These 10-16" plants bloom
all season in cool climates. Excellent indoor house plants or for outdoor
containers and beds. �Deep Rose' flowers have yellow stripes and markings. |
Alstroemeria-Jazze-'Purple Rose' The first compact Alstroemeria. 'Jazze'
series flowers uniformly with large, vibrant blooms. These 10-16" plants bloom
all season in cool climates. Excellent indoor house plants or for outdoor
containers and beds. 'Purple Rose' has solid rosy-purple flowers. |
Alstroemeria-Jazze-'Rose Frost' The first compact Alstroemeria. 'Jazze'
series flowers uniformly with large, vibrant blooms. These 10-16" plants bloom
all season in cool climates. Excellent indoor house plants or for outdoor
containers and beds.'Rose Frost' has light rose-pink flowers with frosty white
picotee edging, yellow markings/stripes. |
Alyssum 'Snow Crystals'
larger flowers than "Snowcloth" and "Carpet of Snow" which while still small,
in their overall combined effect make for a whiter, cleaner appearance. Very
neat, compact and uniform in growth. |
Alyssum-Wonderland-'Deep Purple' The wonderland series is well matched in
height, blooming time and outdoor performance. |
Alyssum-Wonderland-'Deep Rose' The wonderland series is well matched in
height, blooming time and outdoor performance. |
Amaranthus 'Early Splendor'
Angelonia 'Lavender Improved' |
Angelonia 'Lavender Pink' |
Angelonia 'Purple Improved' |
Angelonia 'Purple Stripe' |
Compact habit with strong upright stems bearing large violet/white flowers.
Excellent for cut flowers. Nice fragrance from the foliage. 12-18". |
Compact habit with strong upright stems bearing large violet-blue flowers.
Excellent for cut flowers. Nice fragrance from the foliage. 12-18". |
Compact habit with strong upright stems bearing large pure white flowers.
Excellent for cut flowers. Nice fragrance from the foliage. 12-18". |
venidium 'Flame' |
venidium 'Wine' |
frutescens 'Bright Carmine' |
frutescens 'Butterfly'-PW One of the "original"
Proven Winners, this self-cleansing, self-branching beauty tops itself with
pure yellow flowers with brilliant golden centers. Incredible outdoor
performance early spring through late fall. 14-18". |
frutescens 'Comet Pink' |
frutescens 'Silver Lady' Double white flower, with
blue foliage. Thrives in full sun, reaches 3'. |
frutescens 'Sugar Baby'-PW Hardy and fast growing
flowers. White petals, with a yellow center. Likes full
sun, will grow 8 -12". |
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Vanilla Butterfly'-PW
frutescens-'Vara' Single white flower. Blue
foliage. Full sun, reaches 3'. |
frutescens-'White Spider' Double white flower with
green foliage. Reaches 3', thrives on full sun. |
frutescens-'White' Single white flower with
green foliage. Reaches 3', enjoys full sun. |
stellariana 'Silver Dust' Finely cut, silvery white, velvety foliage.
Thrives in full sun, reaches 9". |
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stellariana 'Silver Lace'
Striking silver
foliage make this popular annual a great contrast for the garden.6-8" tall.
Very fine, lacy foliage. |
Aster 'Monte Casino' (White) |
Bacopa 'Blue Showers' |
Bacopa 'Lavender Storm' Also a large bloom, of lavender colored
flowers. Likes partial sun, will grow to be 6 - 8"
tall. |
Bacopa 'Snowstorm'-PW Known
for their incredibly large blooms of beautiful white
flowers. Likes partial sun, will grow 6 - 8" tall. |
Bacopa 'Taifun White' |
Begonia charisma 'Deep Rose' Spectacular 2 1/2" double blooms.
Plants are heat and rain tolerant. Should be grown like tuberous Begonias for
earlier, more uniform flowering. |
Begonia charisma 'Salmon Orange' Spectacular 2 1/2" double
blooms. Plants are heat and rain tolerant. Should be grown like tuberous
Begonias for earlier, more uniform flowering. |
Begonia charisma 'Scarlet' Spectacular 2 1/2" double blooms.
Plants are heat and rain tolerant. Should be grown like tuberous Begonias for
earlier, more uniform flowering. |
Begonia hybrida 'Dragon Wing'
Bunches of
scarlet-red flowers are produced amongst the glossy-green foliage which is
uniquely shaped, giving it the name of 'Dragon Wing'. Good heat tolerance and
lush vigorous growth make this a spectacular plant. |
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Colors up early with masses of 1-1 1/2" pink flowers. This 8-10" annual is
vigorous and heat tolerant. Bred for extra vigor, giving great outdoor
performance, even in summer heat. |
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Colors up early
with masses of 1-1 1/2" red flowers. This 8-10" annual is vigorous and heat
tolerant. Bred for extra vigor, giving great outdoor performance, even in
summer heat |
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Colors up early with masses of 1-1 1/2" rose flowers. This 8-10" annual is
vigorous and heat tolerant. Bred for extra vigor, giving great outdoor
performance, even in summer heat. |
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Colors up early with masses of 1-1 1/2" white flowers. This 8-10" annual is
vigorous and heat tolerant. Bred for extra vigor, giving great outdoor
performance, even in summer heat. |
Brachycome 'Blue' |
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Bractaentha 'Yellow' |
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Bracteantha 'Antique Shades' |
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Bracteantha 'Copper' |
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Bracteantha 'Rose Pink' |
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Calendula 'Bon Bon Mix' Early, 10-12" series produces 2 1/2-3"
blooms up to 2 weeks earlier than other varieties. Consists of bright yellow,
orange, apricot and soft yellow flowers. |
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Calendula 'Calypso Mix' Black-centered flowers on compact,
vigorous and well-branched plants. Excellent color for Spring and Fall. Orange
and Yellow flowers. |
Calibrachoa 'Cherry Pink'-PW This series stands taller, reaching 7 - 10". Does
well in full sun. |
Calibrachoa 'Terra Cotta'-PW This series stands taller, reaching 7 - 10". Does
well in full sun. |
Calibrachoa 'Trailing Blue'-PW This is a fast growing plant, and will branch out
into a bunch of cascading flowers. Enjoys full sun, and will reach 5 - 8". |
Calibrachoa 'Trailing Pink'-PW This is a fast growing plant, and will branch out
into a bunch of cascading flowers. Enjoys full sun, and will reach 5 - 8". |
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Calibrachoa 'Trailing White' This is a fast growing plant, and will branch out
into a bunch of cascading flowers. Enjoys full sun, and will reach 5 - 8". |
Calibrachoa-Celebration-'Apricot' These are brightly colored, self-cleaning flowers
with a metallic shine. Is a uniform and compact plant. Full sun, groundcover. |
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Calibrachoa-Celebration-'Blue' These are brightly colored, self-cleaning flowers
with a metallic shine. Is a uniform and compact plant. Full sun, groundcover. |
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Calibrachoa-Celebration-'Cherry' These are brightly colored, self-cleaning flowers
with a metallic shine. Is a uniform and compact plant. Full sun, groundcover. |
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Calibrachoa-Celebration-'Red' These are brightly colored, self-cleaning flowers
with a metallic shine. Is a uniform and compact plant. Full sun, groundcover. |
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Calibrachoa-Celebration-'Rose' These are brightly colored, self-cleaning flowers
with a metallic shine. Is a uniform and compact plant. Full sun, groundcover. |
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Calibrachoa-Celebration-'Violet' These are brightly colored, self-cleaning flowers
with a metallic shine. Is a uniform and compact plant. Full sun, groundcover. |
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Calibrachoa-Celebration-'Yellow' These are brightly colored, self-cleaning flowers
with a metallic shine. Is a uniform and compact plant. Full sun, groundcover. |
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Calibrachoa-Minifamous-'Dark Blue' |
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Calibrachoa-Minifamous-'Lemon' |
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Calibrachoa-Minifamous-'Peach' |
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Calibrachoa-Minifamous-'Rose Pink' |
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Calibrachoa-Minifamous-'White' |
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Bright, 3-4" red blooms are held above the extra-dwarf foliage.Use for pots
and bedding. |
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Bright, 3-4" rose blooms are held above the foliage.Use for pots and bedding. |
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Bright, 3-4" salmon blooms are held above the foliage.Use for pots and
bedding. |
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Bright, 3-4" yellow blooms are held above the foliage.Use for pots and
bedding. |
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Carnation-Can Can-'Scarlet'
A great garden
performer that blooms profusely from mid-spring well into the summer. The
well-branched, strong-stemmed plants produce a nice top-spray with
high-quality, bright scarlet, 2" flowers with a spicy fragrance. 18" garden
height |
Heat and sun tolerant plant grows bushy and upright, reaching 3 feet tall and
wide. Shorter than other Cleome, very free-flowering 'Sparkler" series is
ideal for small gardens or as an annual hedge. 'Blush' has Whitish-pink
flowers. |
Heat and sun tolerant plant grows bushy and upright, reaching 3 feet tall and
wide. Shorter than other Cleome, very free-flowering 'Sparkler" series is
ideal for small gardens or as an annual hedge. Lavender flowers. |
Heat and sun tolerant plant grows bushy and upright, reaching 3 feet tall and
wide. Shorter than other Cleome, very free-flowering 'Sparkler" series is
ideal for small gardens or as an annual hedge. Rose flowers. |
Heat and sun tolerant plant grows bushy and upright, reaching 3 feet tall and
wide. Shorter than other Cleome, very free-flowering 'Sparkler" series is
ideal for small gardens or as an annual hedge. White flowers. |
Coleus 'Alabama Sunset' |
Coleus 'Christmas Candy' A mixture of red, white, and green leaves.
Very colorful. Partial sun, 1-2'. |
Coleus 'Cranberry Salad' Medium burgundy with lime green foliage.
Partial sun, reaches 4 ft. |
Coleus 'Dark Star' |
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Coleus 'Dog Gone' |
Coleus ''Flirt'n Skirts' |
Coleus 'Glennis' |
Coleus 'Gold Giant' Bronze gold with magenta highlights in the
foliage. Partial sun, reaches 3 - 4 ft. |
Coleus 'Indian Frills' |
Coleus 'Inky Fingers' |
Coleus 'Pat Martin' Deep red leaf, edged in a bright yellow
color. Partial sun, reaches 3'. |
Coleus 'Peter Wonder' |
Coleus 'Pineapple' Golden leaves, with a red heart. Partial
sun, 1-2'. |
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Coleus 'Purple Ruffles' |
Coleus 'Red Ruffles' Brilliant
red/rose, highlighted with a burgundy/black spot and a
lime green edge to the foliage. Partial sun, reaches
18". |
Coleus 'Rustic Orange' Dark
salmon-orange with yellow-green margins on the foliage.
Partial shade, reaches 2-3 ft. |
Coleus 'Saturn' |
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Coleus 'Scardy Cat' |
Coleus 'Sun Lava' |
Coleus 'Tilt A Whirl' |
Coleus 'Whaler' |
Dahlia 'Figaro Mix'
An improved,
14-16" Dahlia with double-blooms. Flowers come in orange, red, violet, white,
and yellow. |
Diascia-Sun Chimes-'Coral' |
Diascia-Sun Chimes-'Peach Improved' |
Diascia-Sun Chimes-'Rose' |
indivisa 'Spikes' 2' spikes for decorating of
window boxes, planters, and mixed arrangements. |
'Gartenmeister' |
Fuschia-'Cherry' |
Fuschia-'Lambada' |
Fuschia 'Neon-Purple' |
Fuschia 'Neon-White' |
Fuschia-'Samba' |
Gazania-Daybreak-'Red Stripe'
Early and
compact, 8" series produces bright yellow flowers with red stripes and
dark-ringed centers. The blooms stay open longer than with most varieties. |
Gazania-Daybreak-'Rose Stripe' |
Gazania-Kiss-'Bronze Star'
Uniform and
controlled plant habit. Large, daisy-like flowers with a dark bronze center
and golden tips born on short, sturdy stems. Forming full, beautiful boquets.
"Kiss" will grow into nicely mounded plants covered with flowers. 8-10" tall.
Uniform and
controlled plant habit. Large, daisy-like flowers with a bronze petals and
golden tips born on short, sturdy stems. Forming full, beautiful boquets.
"Kiss" will grow into nicely mounded plants covered with flowers. 8-10" tall. |
Gazania-Kiss-'Golden Yellow' Uniform and controlled plant habit.
Large, daisy-like flowers of warm yellow-gold born on short, sturdy stems.
Forming full, beautiful bouquets. "Kiss" will grow into nicely mounded plants
covered with flowers. 8-10" tall. |
Uniform and controlled plant habit. Large, daisy-like flowers of brilliant
orange born on short, sturdy stems. Forming full, beautiful bouquets. "Kiss"
will grow into nicely mounded plants covered with flowers. 8-10" tall. |
Uniform and controlled plant habit. Large, daisy-like flowers with mid-rose
petals and lighter tips born on short, sturdy stems. Forming full, beautiful
bouquets. "Kiss" will grow into nicely mounded plants covered with flowers.
8-10" tall. |
Uniform and controlled plant habit. Large, daisy-like flowers of pure white
born on short, sturdy stems. Forming full, beautiful bouquets. "Kiss" will
grow into nicely mounded plants covered with flowers. 8-10" tall. |
Uniform and controlled plant habit. Large, daisy-like flowers of bright yellow
born on short, sturdy stems. Forming full, beautiful bouquets. "Kiss" will
grow into nicely mounded plants covered with flowers. 8-10" tall. |
A 8-10" tall series with unique, silver-white foliage and 2-3" orange flowers. |
A 8-10" tall
series with unique, silver-white foliage and 2-3" rose flowers. |
A 8-10" tall series with unique, silver-white foliage and 2-3" white flowers. |
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A 8-10" tall
series with unique, silver-white foliage and 2-3" yellow flowers. |
Geranium-Cascade-'Bright' |
Geranium-Cascade-'Lila' |
Geranium-Cascade-'Sofie' |
Gypsophila 'Gypsy' Single to double pink, 1/4" flowers on
10-14" plants. |
Helichrysum 'Lime Light' |
Helichrysum 'Silver' Long
silvery-white, needlelike foliage. Fast growing compact
plant, thrives on full sun. |
Helichrysum 'Tiny Leaf' |
Heliotrope 'Fragrant Delight' Noted for their fragrant flower clusters and
rich green finely wrinkled leaves. Deep purple flower. |
Heliotrope 'Fragrant White' Fragrant,
white flower. Lighter green foliage, and looser growing
habit than other Heliotropes. |
Impatiens 'Seashell Yellow' Unusual yellow flowers. Likes shade, but
tolerates more sun than most impatiens. Reaches 15".
Ipomoea 'Blackie' Very vigorous 'Sweet Potato Vine' with
dark mahogany foliage. Tolerant to most heat. 6" tall. |
Ipomoea 'Marguerite' Lime-green foliage makes this
'Sweet Potato Vine' an interesting addition to any garden. Very useful in
combinations. Thrives in heat. 6" tall. |
Ipomoea 'Sweet Caroline Bronze' |
Ipomoea 'Sweet Caroline Purple' |
Ipomoea 'Tricolor' An interesting 'Sweet Potato Vine'.
Green foliage with a creamy-pink variegation. Makes a wonderful container
garden variety. 4" tall. |